SHOW SESSION STATUS LIKE 'Ssl_cipher_list'; The Ssl_cipher_list status variable lists the possible SSL ciphers (empty for non-SSL connections). The set of available ciphers depends on your MySQL version and whether MySQL was compiled using OpenSSL or yaSSL, and (for OpenSSL) the library version used to compile MySQL. MySQL passes a default
A OpenSSL 1.0.2 is not and will fall back to secp384r1. A OpenSSL 1.1.1 server is also smart enough to detect the right curve from the server certificate and will use the secp512r1. A OpenSSL 1.0.2 server will fallback to sec384r1. So with a openssl 1.0.2/1.1.1 client vs 1.0.2 server you end up with secp384r1. OpenSSL Powershell script |VMware Communities Feb 25, 2015 openssl upgrade solaris 10 | Oracle Community Mar 30, 2018 Use OpenSSL to Verify the Contents of a CSR Before
Nessus was able to detect the OpenSSL version. Description Nessus was able to extract the OpenSSL version from the web server's banner. Note that security patches in many cases are backported and the displayed version number does not show the patch level. Using it to identify vulnerable software is likely to lead to false detections. See Also
openssl version -- print OpenSSL version information This command is used to print out version information about OpenSSL. Options-a . displays all information, this is the same as setting all the other flags. -v . displays the current OpenSSL version. -b . displays the date the current version of OpenSSL was built. -o . displays option information: various options set when the library was built. -c The Most Common OpenSSL Commands - SSL Shopper
DESCRIPTION. The cipherlist command converts OpenSSL cipher lists into ordered SSL cipher preference lists. It can be used as a test tool to determine the appropriate cipherlist. Options-v (verbose option) lists ciphers with a complete description of protocol version (SSLv2 or SSLv3; the latter includes TLS) key exchange, authentication encryption and mac algorithms used along with any key
SHOW SESSION STATUS LIKE 'Ssl_cipher_list'; The Ssl_cipher_list status variable lists the possible SSL ciphers (empty for non-SSL connections). The set of available ciphers depends on your MySQL version and whether MySQL was compiled using OpenSSL or yaSSL, and (for OpenSSL) the library version used to compile MySQL. MySQL passes a default OpenSSL versions on ESXi |VMware Communities